
Indochina. Original map on steel. Paris, 1850. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 18x10,5cm. Matted.

Japan. Original map on steel. Paris, 1850. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 22x20cm. Matted.

Afghanistan. Original map on steel. Paris, 1842. Very good condition. Folds. Hand-coloured. 23x17cm. Matted.

Armenia. Original map on steel by T. Duvotenay. 1838. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 22,5x18cm. Matted.

Arménie Ancienne
Armenia. Original map on steel by T. Duvotenay. Paris, 1838. Very good condition. Folds. Hand-coloured. 23x18cm. Matted.

Asia Minor
Asia Minor. Original map on steel drawn and engraved by B. R. Davies. London, 1838. Very good condition. Hand-colouring. 24,5x18,5cm. Matted.

Asiae Minoris Tabula Descripta Conatibus
Asia Minor. Original copper map by F. Delamarche. 1836. Spot in upper margin. Central fold. Original hand outlining. Hand-coloured. 40x28cm.

Asia. Original small map by Robert De Vaugondy. Copper engraving. Paris, 1750. Good condition. Small margins. Outline hand-coloured. 16x15cm. Matted.

Asie. Original map on steel by Victor Levasseur. Decorative border drawn by R. Bonheur. Paris, Combette. 1854. Good condition. Hand-coloured. 42x27,5cm.

Asia. Original copper map, engraved by Rousset. 1833. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 20,5x18cm. Matted.

Asie Mineure
Asia Minor. Original copper map by Alain Mannesson Mallet. 1719. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 15x10cm. Matted.

Asia. Original map on steel drawn and engraved by P. Weber. 1856. Good condition. Hand-coloured. 26x21cm. Matted.

Assyrie, Chaldée, Babylonie, Pays Araméens & Phenicie
Asia. Original map of steel. 1852. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 22,5x18cm. Matted.

British India
India. Original map on steel by J. Rapkin. Londres, 1851. Very good condition. Original outline colouring, central fold, decorative border. 29,5x22cm. Matted.

British India
India. Original map on steel drawn and engraved by J. Rapkin. 1858. Light foxing. Vignettes by G. Greatbach after A. H. Wray. Hand-coloured, central fold, decorative border. 30x24cm. Matted.

Holy Land. Original copper map, engraved by M. Rousset. 1833. Light water stain. Hand-coloured. 21,5x18cm. Matted.

Carte d 'Asie dressée par E.Desbuissons sous la direction de E.Cortambert, 1858
Asia. Original map on steel drawn by Beaurain, engraved by T.Gobert. In Malte-Brun, Atlas de géographie universelle, Paris, Dufour, Mulat & Boulanger, 1858. Good condition. Folds. Hand-coloured outlines. 47x36,5cm.

Carte De La Partie Inférieure De L´Inde
India. Carte De La Partie inférieure de L´Inde, en deca du Gange, contenant l´Isle de Ceylan, les Côtes de Malabar et de Coromandel, avecle pays compris entre ces côtes, par M. Bonne, Ingénieur-hydrographe de la Marine. Original fold map by Rigobert Bonne. Geneva, 1780. Very good condition. Copper engraving. Hand-coloured. 32x21cm. Matted.

Carte De La Partie Supérieure De L´Inde
India. Carte De La Partie Supérieure de L´Inde, en deca du Gange, comprise entre la côte du Concan et celle d´Orixa, avec l´Empire du Mogol, le Bengale, le Re d´Asham, partie de ceux d´Ava et de Pégru, par M. Bonne, Ingénieur-hydrographe de la Marine. Original fold map by Rigobert Bonne. Geneva, 1780. Two small repaired holes. Copper engraving. Hand-coloured. 32x21cm. Matted.

Carte De La Perse, De La Géorgie, et De La Tartarie Indépendante
Central Asia. Carte De La Perse, De La Géorgie, et De La Tartarie Indépendante, Mr. Bonne, Ingénieur-Hydrographe de la Marine. Original fold map by Rigobert Bonne. Geneva, 1780. Good condition. Copper engraving. Hand-coloured. 32x21,5cm. Matted.
??G?India. Carte De La Partie inférieure de L´Inde, en deca du Gange, contenant l´Isle de Ceylan, les Côtes de Malabar et de Coromandel, avecle pays compris entre ces côtes, par M. Bonne, Ingénieur-hydrographe de la Marine. Original fold map by Rigobe????Indien. Stahlstich-Faltkarte von J. Rapkin. London, 1851. In gestochener Rankenbordüre. Sehr guter Zustand. Althandkoloriert. 29,5x22cm. Mit Passepartout.

Carte De La Tartarie Orientale
Asia. Carte De La Tartarie Orientale Pour Servir à l'Histoire Générale des Voyages, Tirée Des Cartes Levées Par Les P. P. Jésuites. Original map by J. N. Bellin. Copper engraving. 1749. Very good condition. Decorative title cartouche, central fold. Hand-coloured. 30,5x21cm. Matted.

Carte De L´Arabie
Asia. Carte De l´Arabie, du Golfe Persique, et de la Mer Rouge, avec l´Égypte, la Nubie et l´Abissinie, par M. Bonne, Ingénieur-hydrographe de la Marine. Original fold map by Rigobert Bonne. Geneva, 1780. Two small epaired holes. Copper engraving. Hand-coloured. 32x21cm. Matted.

Carte De L´Empire De La Chine, De La Tartarie Chinoise, et Du Royaume De Corée: Avec Les Isles Du Ja
China. Par M. Bonne, Ingénieur-hydrographe de la Marine. Original fold map by Rigobert Bonne. Geneva, 1780. Good condition. Copper engraving. Hand-coloured. 32x21cm. Matted.

Carte De L´Isle De Cheu-Chan Ou Isle De Chusan
China. Carte De L´Isle De Cheu-Chan Ou Isle De Chusan de la Province de Che-Kiang Avec les Costes et Isles Voisines... Original map by J. N. Bellin. Copper engraving. 1749. Very good condition, folds. Hand-coloured. 32x21cm. Matted.

Carte Des Costes De Perse, Gusarat et Malabar, Tirée De La Carte Francaise De L´Océan Oriental
Persia. Original copper map by J. N. Bellin. 1740. Very good condition. Decorative title cartouche. Hand-coloured. 25x20cm. Matted.

Carte Des Isles De La Sonde et Des Isles Moluques
Oceania. Carte Des Isles De La Sonde et Des Isles Moluques, par Mr. Bonne, Ingénieur-Hydrographe de la Marine. Original fold map by Rigobert Bonne. Geneva, 1780. Very good condition. Copper engraving. Hand-coloured. 32x22cm. Matted.

Carte Du Grand Tibet Pour Servir à l'Histoire Générale des Voyages, Tirée Des Auteurs Anglois
Tibet. Original map by J. N. Bellin. Copper engraving. 1749. Good condition, central fold. Hand-coloured. 31x20cm. Matted.

Carte D´Asie
Asia. Original map on copper by J. D. Goigoux. Paris, 1819. Folds. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 25x20cm. Matted.

Carte Générale De L´Asie
Asia. Original steel map by A. H. Dufour. 1854. Good condition. Original hand-colouring. 49x32cm.

Carte Itinéraire Pour Servir à La Lecture Du Voyage En Orient Par Mr. Alphonse De Lamartine.
Mediterranean Sea. Original map on steel by Pierre Tardieu. Paris, 1835. Good condition. Folds. Hand-coloured. 27,5x18cm. Matted.

Carte Particulière De L´Isle D´Amboine
Indonesia. Original copper map, engraved by J. van der Schley after J. N. Bellin. 1749. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 30x21,5cm.

Carte Physique et Politique De L´Asie
Asia. Original map on steel by Claude Joseph Drioux and Charles Leroy. Paris, 1859. No right margin, light foxing. Folds. Original hand-colouring. 42x28,5cm.

Cochinchine Francaise
Cochinchina. Original copper map by G. Lorsignol. Paris, Le Vasseur. 1876. Very good condition. Original hand-outlining. Hand-coloured. 40,5x30cm.

Côtes De L´Asie Mineure Depuis Troie Jusqu´à Rhodes
Anatolia. Original copper map drawn and engraved by A. Tardieu. 1824? Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 24,5x20cm. Matted.

Die Asiatische Türkey...
Turkey. Original copper map by J. C. Schreibern. 1749. Good condition. Hand-coloured. 25x17,5cm. Matted.

Empire Chinois
China. Original copper map, engraved by Rousset. 1833. Light foxing in the low margin. Hand-coloured. 20,5x17,5cm. Matted.

Ile De Ceylan
Sri Lanka. Original map on steel. Paris, 1850. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 18x10,5cm. Matted.

India. Original map on steel by T. Duvotenay. 1843. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 23x18cm. Matted.

Inde Ancienne D´après La Géorgraphie Brahmanique
Ancient India. Original map on steel. 1843. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 17x11cm. Matted.

Inde Sous La Domination Des Mongols
India. Original map on steel by T. Duvotenay. 1843. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 23x18cm. Matted.
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