Herculaneum & Pompeii

Centauress Carrying a Maenad
Pompeii. Original copper engraving by Tommaso Piroli. 1789. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 14,5x10,5cm. Matted.

Centauress Carrying a Young Man, Playing the Lyre and Cymbals
Pompeii. Original copper engraving by Tommaso Piroli. 1789. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 14,5x10,5cm. Matted.

Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by G. Sasso after Bramati. 1809. Very good condition. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 18x11,5cm. Matted.

Herculaneum. Original copper engraving by V. Campana. 1765. Good condition. Printed on the reverse side. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 21x10cm. Matted.

Cervids, Scylla
Herculaneum. Original copper engraving, engraved by F. Morghen after G. Morghen. 1765. Very good condition. Printed on the reverse side. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 16,5x5,5cm. Matted.

Char De Cérès
Pompeii. Original aquatint (engraved by J.-C. R. de Saint-Non). 1781. Very good condition. No title. Printed on the reverse side. 14x10,5cm. Matted.

Chariot with the Attributes of Apollo Pulled By Griffins
Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by N. Strina after by V. Campana. 1779. Very good condition. Printed on the reverse side. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 21,5x11cm. Matted.

Herculaneum. Original copper engraving, engraved by Cepparoli after Casanova. 1765. Very good condition. Printed on the reverse side. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 11,5x8,5cm. Matted.

Cherub and Masks
Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by N. Fiorillo after G. Morghen. 1765. Very good condition. Printed on the reverse side. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 21,5x8cm. Matted.

Chicken and Pine Cone
Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by N. Strina after by V. Campana. 1765. Very good condition. Printed on the reverse side. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 19x10cm. Matted.

Herculaneum. Original copper engraving, engraved by F. Strina after V. Campana. 1765. Light foxing. Printed on the reverse side. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 21,5x10,5cm. Matted.

Cock with a Fig
Herculaneum. Original copper engraving, engraved by S. De Angelis after N. Vanni. 1762. Very good condition, wrinkles in the paper. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 11,5x9cm. Matted.

Cock, Cock with Grapes
Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by C. Oratij after N. Vanni. 1765. Very good condition. Printed on the reverse side. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 21,5x6,5cm. Matted.

Comedy Scene (Pliny?), Tragic Masks
Herculaneum. Original copper engraving, engraved by N. Billy after N. Vanni. 1765. Very good condition. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 32x22,5cm.

Comedy Scene, Tragic and Comic Masks
Herculaneum. Original copper engraving, engraved by N. Billy after N. Vanni. 1765. Very good condition. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 32x22,5cm.

Comic Actor and Lyre-Player
Herculaneum. Original copper engraving, engraved by G. Aloja after N. Vanni. 1765. Very good condition. No title. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 30x21cm.

Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by N. Billy after N. Vanni. 1762. Very good condition. No title. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 32x17,5cm.

Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by F. Cepparoli after N. Vanni. 1765. Very good condition. No title. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 32,5x23cm.

Course D´Athalante et D´Hippomènes
Pompeii. Original aquatint engraved by J.-C. R. de Saint-Non. 1781. Very good condition. No title. Printed on the reverse side. 11,5x10,5cm. Matted.

Cupid Frightens Two Other Cupids with a Mask of Mormolyce, Cupids as Carpenters
Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by Tommaso Piroli. 1789. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 14,5x11cm. Matted.

Cupid Hunting, Cupids Riding Dolphins
Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by Tommaso. Piroli. 1789. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 14,5x11cm. Matted.

Cupid in a Chariot Being Pulled By Two Other Cupids, Cupids Playing Hide and Seek
Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by Tommaso. Piroli. 1789. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 14,5x10,5cm. Matted.

Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by F. Morghen after G. Morghen. 1762. No title. Very good condition. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 32x23cm.

Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by N. Billy after G. Morghen. 1762. No title. Very good condition. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 32x23,5cm.

Cupids and a Chariot Pulled By Griffins, Harpocrates
Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by Tommaso. Piroli. 1789. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 14,5x11cm. Matted.

Cupids Playing a Lyre and Crotales, Cupids Playing with a Rope
Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by Tommaso. Piroli. 1789. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 14,5x10,5cm. Matted.

Cupids Weawing, Cupids Fishing
Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by Tommaso. Piroli. 1789. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 14,5x10,5cm. Matted.

Cupids with Press, Cupids Making Shoes
Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by Tommaso. Piroli. 1789. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 14,5x10,5cm. Matted.

Cupids with the Throne of Venus, with the Throne of Mars
Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by Tommaso Piroli. 1789. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 14,5x10,5cm. Matted.
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Cérémonie Nuptiale
Pompeii. Original aquatint engraved by J.-C. R. de Saint-Non. 1781. Very good condition. No title. Printed on the reverse side. 16x10,5cm. Matted.

Daily Life in Pompeii: Carriage Driver, Horse Sellers, Charity, Fruit and Vegetables Seller, Street Food, Tribute
Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by P. Morghen after G. Morghen. 1762. No title. Very good condition. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 32x23cm.

Daily Life in Pompeii: Drapers, Ceramic and Metal Seller, Baker, Apothecary, Shoe Seller, Fragrance Sellers
Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by P. Morghen after G. Morghen. No title. 1762. Very good condition. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 33x22cm.

Daily Life in Pompeii: Punishment at School, Drapers, Teatcher and Pupils, Mother Introducing Her Daughter to the Teatchers
Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by P. Morghen after G. Morghen. 1762. No title. Very good condition. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 32,5x23cm.

Pompeii. Original copper engraving drawn and engraved by Tommaso Piroli. 1789. Good condition. Hand-coloured. 14,5x10,5cm. Matted.

Dancing Cupids
Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by Tommaso. Piroli. 1789. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 14,5x10,5cm. Matted.

Dancing Cupids, Cupids Playing Music
Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by Tommaso. Piroli. 1789. Very good condition. Hand-coloured. 14,5x10,5cm. Matted.

Danse Des Grâces et De L´Amour
Pompeii. Original aquatint engraved by J.-C. R. de Saint-Non. 1781. Very good condition. No title. Printed on the reverse side. 16x10cm. Matted.

Deers Pulling a Chariot
Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by A. Cattaneo after by V. Campana. 1765. Very good condition. Printed on the reverse side. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 19x10cm. Matted.

Deux Danseuses Dont L´une Joue Du Tambour De Basque et L´autre De La Double Flûte
Pompeii. Original aquatint engraved by J.-C. R. de Saint-Non. 1781. Very good condition. No title. Printed on the reverse side. 11,5x10,5cm. Matted.

Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by N. Oriatij after G. Morghen. 1762. Very good condition. No title. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 32x23,5cm.

Diana - Apollo - Archemorus Killing the Snake
Herculaneum. Original copper engraving, engraved by F. Cepparoli after J. Casanova. 1765. Very good condition. No title. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 33x23,5cm.

Herculaneum. Original copper engraving drawn by V. Campana. 1765. Light foxing. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 20,5x10,5cm. Matted.

Herculaneum. Original copper engraving, engraved by C. Oratij after G. Morghen. 1765. Very good condition. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 21,5x5,5cm. Matted.

Herculaneum. Original copper engraving, engraved by N. Fiorillo after G. Morghen. 1762. No title. Very good condition. Printed on the reverse side. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 19x9,5cm. Matted.

Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by C. Nolli after G. Morghen. 1762. No title. Very good condition. Printed on the reverse side. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 11x6,5cm. Matted.

Pompeii. Original copper engraving, engraved by C. Nolli after G. Morghen. 1765. No title. Very good condition. Printed on the reverse side. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 10,5x7cm. Matted.

Domus at Sea
Herculaneum. Original copper engraving, engraved by C. Oratij after N. Vanni. 1762. Very good condition, wrinkle in the paper. Printed on the reverse side. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 11,5x9,5cm. Matted.

Donkey and Goat, Tragic Mask, Young Woman
Herculaneum. Original copper engraving, engraved by F. Campana after G. Morghen. 1765. Very good condition. No title. Printed on the reverse side. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 22,5x10cm. Matted.

Herculaneum. Original copper engraving, engraved by G. Aloja after G. Morghen. 1765. Very good condition. Printed on the reverse side. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 10,5x7cm. Matted.

Herculanum. Original copper engraving, engraved by G. Aloja after V. Campana. 1765. Very good condition. Printed on the reverse side. Hand-coloured (watercolour and gouache). 21x10cm. Matted.
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